Hands on

Neighborhoodies founder and CEO ‘Michael’ sent this personalized postcard with a order.




Not that I’m enamored with receiving his signature, but it shows he’s in touch, involved and hands on.


Now that’s an important message to send to any business audience.

Passion – in action

How many people do you know who are prepared to die “literally” – in order to achieve their goals? Robbie Maddison is, would and just might.  


He was actually quoted as saying the following:


“There is no doubt in my mind if this next jump doesn’t work out it will be death.”


I’m not suggesting this level of sacrifice is required in your business, but extreme sportspeople do provide the best example of passion in action.


Also – kudos to Redbull for having the courage to sponsor an event in which the free PR could really have went either way.

Shop Front

Would you know what this shop is selling?


I wouldn’t.

Sometimes our shop front, work car, uniform, office, church or website is where the decision is made on whether or not our service is for them.

The good news is, just like a shop window we can:

  • change it if we’ve got it wrong (all of us at some point)
  • use for promotional purposes (Ebay)
  • rotate the message (fashion outlets)
  • keep it clean, defined and single minded (Google)

If our business is in the digital world we have the advantage of a low cost change over.


Start up lesson – make sure people know what you offer the instant they arrive.

Radio Ga Ga

While driving home from a meeting this morning a song on the radio finished and the announcer in a deep authoritative voice came on and proclaimed the following – verbatim:


“1 hour of non stop songs without advertising, on 105.1 FM, brought to you by BRAND X”

I was incredulous. No wonder we’re migrating to PLD’s quicker than you can say….

….Non Stop Block-A-Rock !!!!

Facebook Apps vs Advertising

There’s no shortage of both of these now, although we’d like to know why anyone would invest money in advertising on facebook, when one can more cheaply create an application?


There’s no shortage of useless apps out there…. No I don’t want to be a vampire, but I do want to:

If I’m interested and the app is good, it will find me. If there is an advertisement in a side bar, I’m generally going to ignore it. I’m not on facebook to look at advertisements, no matter how targeted.

At Rentoid.com today we launched “Where did my money go?” An app which  

          helps calculate the value of idle assets

          gives cools icon gifts to share

          shows people how to unlock their idle asset value

          enables users compare the value of their stuff


All while being part of the reason people are on facebook. We did this with just a little bit of coding. Check it out here.


Good app’s which are fun, useful and have a reason to link back to your business are an absolute boon. We can always improve an app over time by paying attention to user feedback. We’ve been gifted to have a free open platform with 52 million members. Instead of advertising on facebook and being an ancillary, build an app and be part of the ball game!


The Pitch

A colleague has left the safe confines of his large conservative leading architecture firm to start up his own – K2LDC. So now his new job role isn’t CEO, rather ‘salesman’.


So how does an architecture differentiate themselves with their pitch? here’s a tip – it’s not through anything to do with power point slides or boring details. Especially as it concerns visual services such as architecture. It’s about creating theatre, sparking imagination and getting the client into your mind.


So K2DLC did this: After a brief discussion at the pitch they left the client with a deck of cards (samples below) with their pictures and thoughts on how to approach the design.



Result: The client considered what the firm was trying to achieve.  They played with the cards. They put them on their fridge. They put them in their order of favorite. They had an in depth discussion. They took themselves on a visual journey. They loved it.


K2DLC won the pitch.