Staying the course

The rock band – Red Hot Chlli Peppers know something about staying the course. And proof of that is the fact that everyone reading this knows who they are. They endured many a hardship and even the passing of guitarist Hillel Slovak. So here’s a little parable about their breakthrough album.


The Red Hot Chilli Peppers launched Blood Sex Sugar Magik in September 1991. The album was produced by Rick Ruben (a guru producer) who actually had refused to produce for them previously, but they weren’t perturbed and asked again and this time he said ‘yes’. It was their 4th album and 8th year of being in a band.



They knew they had something special with the record. They didn’t define themselves, just did what they thought was right, played their type of music, which happened to be what they also did on their previous three albums. The fireworks were few when the album was released. Nothing happened. Well not exactly. They went on tour again, in their old blue Chevy van with their instruments and continued to play to converted ice skating rinks which were one two thirds empty.

To quote bass player flee “We we’re touring our asses off” and the band wasn’t getting any bigger. They soldiered on, as they had the past 8 years.

This continued for 6 months into the release of the album, then suddenly, lives were changed forever. In late 1991 the song ‘Give it away’ went into heavy rotation on MTV and radio. After the Chili’s had been ‘giving it away’ to hardcore fans for eight years, the masses were lining up overnight, for concert tickets. (a bit like the i-phone)

In early 1992 their song ‘Under the bridge’ also did a job on the mainstream and solidified their position in rock history forever. The album was selling more 100,000 copies a week and has now sold more than 12 million copies.


Nothing really changed from 1984 until they hit the big time, the world caught up to the Red Hot Chili Peppers. And more importantly, they stayed the course.

Could it spread – Conclusion

You may remember the ‘rentoid rapper’ had some fun auctioning his breakdance mat on ebay. Did it spread?

It spread enough to get a bone fide $187.50 for a piece of cardboard with a bit of texta on it. Just through providing a bit of theatre – fun & money was invented.

The best result was the Q & A’s on the listing which all translate into the personality of You can check it all out by clicking here.  

Start ups out there….Do something crazy!

Could it spread…?

We’re auctioning a prop from an ad we made for on ebay:


Could it go viral?                          – maybe

Do we think it will?                       – we have doubts

Was it fun to write and do?         – yes

Was it worth trying?                     – absolutely


Startup blog question: What could you auction to generate some awareness for your startup?


You can check it out by clicking here.


Hey, why not have some fun and ask us a silly question. Heck, tell a friend, place a tiny bid…

Pulling Power – Beckham

Last night at Stadium Australia two lower tier football teams (Sydney FC and LA Galaxy) played in front of a crowd on 80,000 fans.

The reason the crowd was so large was because of the person in the picture below. That’s it. 

 David Beckham.png 

Start up blog isn’t big on celebrity endorsement, but when someone has that kind of pulling power the possibilities are endless. Especially when the person in question is inextricably linked to the event – the football game – ie David Beckham is a football player. It’s not quite the same as getting an Olympian to sell a car.

The Beckham brand is one of the few sponsorship properties that may just be worth the money. Especially, when it involves the biggest sport in the world, which happens to be a minnow in the worlds largest economy.

Start up lesson:

Don’t get someone to endorse. Get someone who is embedded.

Inventing Jargon


web 2.0

permission marketing – Sethsethgodin.jpgsethgodin.jpg

interruption marketing – Sethsethgodin.jpgsethgodin.jpg





badvertising (startupblog)

radvertising (startupblog)

goodvertising (startupblog)



ideavirus – Seth

Purple cow – Seth

Cutting edge

TV industrial complex – Seth


People like jargon for a few reasons. It puts them in the inner circle, it makes them feel smart & exclusive. When it’s great jargon, it simplifies an important explanation.

But jargon’s a bit like fashion. Things come and go and it’s important you’re using ‘fashionable’ jargon and avoiding the old embarrassing terms like ‘thinking outside the box’.

Seth Godin is a master at ‘inventing jargon’. There’s a little “Seth” next to his ones.

Taking the lead from Seth we’ve invented some jargon to explain important concepts for the place to rent anything including:

Unlocking idle assets


Digital networking of temporary needs

Go on and invent some jargon to sell your story.