Inventing Demand

It’s no secret I own and run – but here’s a story you don’t know. The story of how I got it off the ground and got people to use the website.

Rentoid had a classic chicken and egg problem when it first got launched. People wont list items until we have willing customers waiting to rent their stuff. Conversely, people couldn’t rent things until people willing to rent their items put them up for rent. It’s a bit like asking two people who don’t know each other to fall in love. To solve this problem I decided to ‘Invent Demand’. This is how I did it.

I went out and got myself a copy of the Harvey Norman and all the major department store catalogs. Scan through and them and picked off what items I thought would be suitable to rent. For the purposes of rentoid that meant items that were ‘hot‘ in market (their placement in the catalogue was proof enough of that), items which had a purchase value of over at least $200, and had a low likelyhood of damage. I then proceeded to gather photos of the specific items off Google images and listed each of them on rentoid. The rental prices I placed at 5% of item value for a week, and 10% of item value for a month. The bond I made 50% of the cost. I made sure I listed items from varying categories. I did it in 3 suburbs across Melbourne (North, West & East). The listings also said ‘as new, never used’ – how true. It also assisted with our SEO because people do ‘item & location’ specific searches.

Harvey Norman catalogue

When people rented the items, I went out and bought them, first hunting for the lowest price on line. Then rented it to the new rentoid member in good faith and gave them an exceptional user experience.  After the rental I sold the item on ebay for around about 80% of the retail price. I pretty much re-couped my costs doing this. Some items kept renting out often enough for me to keep them including my Nintendo Wii and Guitar Hero which have paid themselves off more than 3 times over. The cool thing is the experience I gave people and the live demonstration it gave me to the system I built.  It really helped me iron out many of the bugs in the system when it comes to usability and transacting on-line.

You may think this is slightly deceptive, but it isn’t, simply because the rentoid member got what they wanted from the site and the process was completely transparent. When they’d come over the pick up the item up for rent I’d tell them I own I’d ask questions like how they found the site and what they think. In fact, they loved the idea and were stoked to transact with the founding entrepreneur.

It was a great process to not only to invent demand, but also gain some brand evangalists and supporters. And yes, I still list a lot of items on rentoid – espeically if it’s new and cool and we don’t have it on the site yet.

As entrepreneurs, we need not be afraid of how we can build demand and momentum with our start up. We must do this because action creates reaction and often people simply liking our idea isn’t enough. Instead we must show leadership and belief in our own product and embrace it and use it as our own ‘in house evangelist’. If we don’t believe, how can we expect them to?


Thought starter

Quite often I’ll be looking for a business solution. A solution to a problem. But most times I really don’t know what I am looking for until I find it. But when I see, hear it, or touch it, I know it’s exactly what I need. If I waited to start until I knew what I wanted, I think rarely would I find a solution at all.

I know it sounds crazy, but I really think we should get started before we know what we are looking for.


Office Blind

One of my favourite business quotes of all time is from marketing Polymath Al Reis who was co-author of the 22 Immutable Laws of Marketing (A must read for all entrepreneurs) and it is this:

‘An office is a very dangerous place to watch the world from”

Nice view from office
pic by Altus

This is really a key for anyone no matter what our life is. Decisions from the desk are rarely as insightful as decisions made from the filed. For all the reasons we are aware of such as message dilution , the grape vine et al.

I have been witnessing this first hand as I have invested the past few weeks out on the road visiting my business customers for Put simply I’ve learnt more in the past few weeks than I have in the past few months. Incredible insights as deep and wide as web usability to asset management.

I’ll I can say to startups is this. Get out there and press the flesh and make sure you are not ‘Office Blind’.


Selling Potatoes

As entrepreneurs the natural temptation is on inventing new markets. Creating dramatic change and going for the trophy ideas. This stuff is incredibly difficult, which is why when we do it well the financial rewards can be significant. The interesting thing is that by being optimists with big ideas we really develop some amazing skills just trying. Regardless of our success or lack of.

Creating markets is much harder than getting a share of an existing market. There’s so much more to do to make it work. Things like building an entirely new supply chain, accessing unique raw materials, developing distributions channels and educating consumers of the benefits of this alternative.

Imagine for a moment that we focused our skills on something simple. Something for which there is already existing demand. A market with which there has been very little innovation for a long period of time. Imagine for example…. selling potatoes.

Selling potatoes would not be as difficult as inventing entirely new markets. Sure there would be incumbents in the game, maybe some very powerful players. But the one thing we can be sure of, is that people do business with people they like. Every industry has room for new players. Every business has some suppliers which they are not happy with. Imagine bringing some new world thinking into the potato trade. Integrating some Cluetrain ideas into this business, and really winning over some customers by doing things just a little differently. There is a new business waiting to happen in boring old market.


pic by Peter VanAllen

I often think that we ignore old areas because they are sexy enough, when all we need do is bring some new ideas in to sexy it up. And there is nothing more sexy than financial success in start up land. In addition our probability of success is certainly larger in an existing market than developing a new one, even if the financial gain is smaller. Maybe we can garner some success Selling potatoes first, before we try our trophy idea. It’s easy to be better than it is to be new.

Maybe your next business should be selling potatoes.



One of my favourite business phrases is this:

Incentives shape behaviour.

Incentives shape the behaviour of all the people involved in our business value chain. And these incentives we create are also holistic in the sense that they go well beyond money. But before we go designing some kind of incentive program, we are better off thinking about what’s in it for all the people involved. People including but not limited to:

Our Employees

Our Shareholders

Our Suppliers

Our Retailers

Our Customers

Our Community

Our Government

Let’s focus for a few moments on our suppliers. Our usual predisposition here with suppliers is to get the best deal possible. The cheapest supply price. To negotiate hard. And if we do this we’ll make more profit. The flip side of course is that our supplier makes less profit. Maybe we’ll be one of their least profitable customers? In this case what kind of service are we going to get? How will they help us if things are urgent? Will they be as reliable as we need them to be? What will they tell the industry about us as a customer of theirs? In fact negotiating the best deal may just give us a disadvantage which is greater than the price benefits. It’s not such a great incentive for our suppliers and may lead to breakages in our business value chain. It’s smart to leave something in it for the other guy.

As Startups we should ask ourselves the following question….

Are we creating a system in which the people above will have an incentive to help us succeed, or will they simply be indifferent?

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Yes or No?

Entrepreneurial thought for the day:

How many Yes or No positions did you put yourself in?

This is what determines our success. Without doing this simple task each day, we cannot progress. There will be no result. There will be no feedback.

Startups ought think in Yes / No terms.

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Death of a salesman

Today I dropped off my my Toyota Prius ‘Smug’ as my friends call it for a service. I decided to have a look at the new model Prius before I left.

new toyota prius

The floor sales guy approached and asked if I was interested to which I said yes. I told him I already have a Prius and like it…. Big hint.

The abridged version of conversation then went something like this:

“Gee, they look nice…. How much are they?”

“I don’t know… I’ll find out”

he comes back with a quote sheet…..

“Does the non itech model have Satellite Navigation?”

No – it doesn’t”

“How much would it cost to get it as an added extra?”


“Are you serious… Gee that is quite expensive compared to purchasing a stand alone version… it’s 10 times the price in fact”

his response in a down talking tone…..

“It’s not some crappy thing from an electrical store….”

“hmm…. what would the price be on the car if I wanted to buy it today?

“Same price, it’s a new car, I can’t give you a better price than this.” (using that tone again)

“oh, full price?”

“Yes. Have you ever bought a new car?”

my response….

“Yes, and today – you wont be selling one.”

I then leave the show room.