AI Generated Entertainment

The image above is from a show called ‘Nothing Forever’. The show is AI-generated version of Seinfeld.

It has been streaming on Twitch 24/7 since mid-December. It tells the “story” – if you can call it that – of four characters, Larry, Fred, Yvonne and Kakler, who look like what would happen if Jerry, George, Elaine and Kramer were sucked into an 8-bit video game from 1990. You can watch season 1 here.

While Seinfeld ended in 1998, it’s been the subject of a zillion mashups since then, including the great Twitter feed called Modern Seinfeld, a TikTok actor doing his own spin on it and even some Hip Hop Tv fusions. But at the top of the list we have to put Nothing Forever, because we’ll look back on this as the first of something which changes entertainment forever.

AI’s will win an EMMY

This is actually some cutting edge stuff, because all of it was creating by AI and Machine Learning. The script, the voices, the computer imagery, the movement, the laugh track and even the music is very Seinfeld-esque. It runs forever…. it doesn’t end, it just keeps on going. It is running right now here, and it has 200K followers.

At the moment the show is super glitchy. The dialogue is mostly weird, the characters bump into each other, and the images are super lo-fi. But it occasionally has some genuinely funny moments. It is the just the seed of a much bigger movement. Let me explain.

Just like video games, this will improve and eventually evolve into HD video of people which are indistinguishable to the real Seinfeld actors. You won’t be able to tell the difference. The jokes will get funnier. In short, AI will be able to generate an infinite future of Seinfeld, by learning from actual Seinfeld episodes, and combining information from the modern world to make it relevant to today. As the AI improve exponentially, so will the output of shows like this.

Re-Runs Version 2.0

Within a decade you’ll be able to watch AI generated versions of whichever TV show you used to love. Friends, Happy Days, Mash, Game of Thrones, Mad Men, Big Bang Theory…. you name it. You may remember 4 years ago write about you becoming a movie star. This is part of the same movement.

Find out now what world first you can create with AI – get me in to deliver my mind blowing new Keynote on AI  at your next event. You’ll love it.

This is the Future of Entertainment – At first it will be re-runs which are just as good as the original, and eventually entirely new shows will be spawned via AI with no real actors or script writers. They’ll look sound and feel as thought they were created in the traditional way, and we won’t care. Studios will embrace it because it will be cheaper, and viewers as always, just want to be entertained. We’ll develop emotional connections with actors, in Tv shows that don’t actually exist.

AI is changing everything.

Keep Thinking,


A.I.’s Window of Opportunity

Click below to listen to Steve read this post (3 min audio)

Remember this iPhone advertisement? – There’s an App for that? – Of course you do. I’m sure you had a number of App ideas that you never got around to making. (we all did)

Then, you saw Apps that were similar. They validated your idea, and made you kick yourself that you didn’t act quicker. Side note: There are very few things in my career that I wish I waited longer to do!

Don’t wait to get the low down on AI – get me in to deliver my mind blowing new Keynote on AI to your team – it might just provide the seed for something amazing!

A moment in time

Untold billions have been made on the back of the smartphone. Some built reputation, some made money, some got sold to Apple and some, even turned into giant global businesses in their own right. Despite starting inside another corporations eco system, as a simple App.

What is happening right now with Artificial Intelligence is a once in a decade tech shift. One in which new fortunes will be made. We saw this with the World Wide Web, when Social Media emerged, and with the Smartphone. It is now that time for democratised AI. Society is about to change. This chart really displays the moment in time which has just arrived.

Each pink block represents the size of opportunity of each technology epoch. Not only are they bigger, they change the world faster, as represented by the increasing vertical leaps in each block. This is exponential technology in action.

At my keynote speeches recently, I’ve been asked what the biggest opportunities emanating out of AI will be….

This is my answer:

It won’t be what you think. The real opportunity with AI, ChatGPT and friends, isn’t doing what you’ve been doing ‘more efficiently’. It’s not about AI absorbing tasks. It will be an unexpected use of the tools. They’ll be an unlock which becomes obvious in hindsight. If we look back at the Smartphone, the biggest unlock was actually the GPS. The ability to locate things and people invented massive businesses. It made Uber, Airbnb and Dating apps possible. Just think about how weird it would’ve sounded if someone said 20 years ago;

‘I think satellites will have a big impact on relationships and marriages. They’ll disrupt bars and alcohol as a way for people to meet.’

It would sound insane, yet here we are. Likewise, it’s early for AI and creative people will uncover new ways to use the technology which we and the creators of the technology don’t foresee. That is the opportunity. And the only way to find the opportunity is to experiment with the tools and let your imagination run wild. Because leveraging technology is never about understanding how it works, and always about to get it to work for you.

It’s an imagination game…. we’ve been handed a platform, it’s time to experiment.

Keep Thinking,


AI is Redefining Real

No AI’s have been used in the creation of this post. Of course, you can’t really be sure of that. You just have to take my word for it.

If it seems like I’m obsessed with AI at the moment, trust your instincts. It’s a worthy topic because the universe just changed. Last week I gave you a small taste of the tools available. This week we need to consider the implications of the tools. We can start with this image of random people below. And they all have one thing in common. See if you can guess what that is?

None of these people actually exist. They are computer generated photos of imagined people. Well, at least that’s what will have me believe. For all I know they took a phone to a BBQ and took some happy snaps.

And that’s one of the key issues we’ll face in the next few years. Knowing if something is real or AI generated. Just think of all the synthetic versions of reality we can already create. Voices, videos, pictures, in fact anything we can create a digital version of, we can now create a fake version of. And it has no noticeable difference. Within a decade we’ll be able to buy soft robots of ourselves. Which look and sound exactly like us. In fact, this has already happened. Hiroshi Ishiguro is a roboticist who makes life like robots, including one of himself.

We may need an entirely new definition of what is real.

Understand how “real” AI is about to get with my mind blowing new Keynote Speech – get your team up to speed – The time is now.

So what should real mean? The original. There is only one. The first. Organic. Not made by machine of software. There is no substitute. Found in nature. Not an imitation. Not made in a factory. All natural ingredients… And who gets to decide?

Or maybe, it’s natural that AI has arrived, because it was created by biological beings. It might just be just a fork in the inevitable evolutionary path we must follow. I’m not exactly sure.

But here is what I know for sure. The only way we’ll be able to tell if something is real of ‘fake’ – is if we are forced to outline it legally. It’s time for law makers to get busy, fast. And while I’m very positive about what emergent AI’s can do to help humanity, I also think humanity deserves to know when they are interacting with each other, or something other.

Keep Thinking,


Disrupting Google

Business disruption is not caused by technology alone. For it to occur we need 2 things to arrive simultaneously.

(1) A new technology


(2) A new business model

If we only have one, the incumbents can usually adapt. They can plug the new tech into the existing business model. Or, they can revert the old technology into a new business model.

For example:

The Music Industry had 3 new technologies before they got disrupted. They had the phonograph, the tape and the CD. Each time they sold the new tech in the old business model. It wasn’t until the mp3 arrived until the industry changed. When that happened, the business model shifted with the tech, which resulted in disruption: Napster (stealing music) and Apple iTunes (buying music one song at a time). Then when streaming arrived, a further disruption occurred as both the tech and business model shifted once more. No one buys music, they subscribe to it.

Likewise, when the Airline Industry had low cost airlines arrive. A new business model emerged, but because it was utilising existing technology: planes, airports and booking engines, legacy players could plug in low cost sub-brands. No real industry disruption transpired.

Most Successful Consumer Product Launch in History

Chat GPT is the fastest-growing consumer product in history. It had over a million users in its first week and more than 100 million in two months. Previous technology juggernauts haven’t come close: TikTok took nine months to get to 100 million users, Instagram took nearly three years and Google took nearly two years to reach this milestone. It isn’t just the rapid growth of users of the platform that’s interesting. It’s that it demands a review of internet Search as we know it, how we perform searches literally and the resulting business model which underlies it. It may even redirect us away from advertising and the prevailing surveillance capitalism model.

The technology and business model just changed for search. Sounds crazy to say it, but Google could be in trouble. If there was ever a company which looked dominant and unstoppable mere months ago, it was Alphabet. Their Google search engine commands a 90%-plus share in most of the markets it operates in. Then along came ChatGPT.

Will your company be the Disrupter or the Disrupted with AI ? Get me in to share my mind blowing new Keynote Speech – and win in the new AI era.

Bing v Google

At the moment it looks like Open AI, the developers behind ChatGPT, have everything to gain, but behind the scenes is tech overlord Microsoft. If all goes to plan they could be the unexpected winner in AI, and there are literally trillions of dollars in market capitalisation at stake. Microsoft’s 23 January $10 billion investment in Open AI may well be the tech deal of the century. As a part of it Microsoft will have exclusive access to Open AI’s product suite, and will gain a 49% share of Open AI. However, Open AI will need to give back Microsoft 75% of the profits until Microsoft recoups its initial investment. Microsoft have already plugged ChatGPT into their Bing Search engine, and it is pretty damn good. I’ve switched already. But is isn’t just the product which puts google at risk, it’s the costs and business model.

The cost per ‘prompt’ on ChatGPT is currently around $0.02c. This is vastly more than the $0.00001 per Google search, and probably couldn’t support a pay per click or display advertising model. The recent option to subscribing to ChatGPT for $20 per month is a clue as to where the business model of Generative AI is likely to go – subscription rather than advertising. This would both remove the ‘free rider’ problem, and temptation to compromise product quality to appease the advertising model supporting it. Subscription is also needed because AI is far too expensive per prompt to run a pay per click model. This is a major problem for Google – which people use for free.

The market is likely to bifurcate into two segments: Search (Traditional web links) and Creation (Generative AI).

Think about it – if we shift our search habits to ask questions and getting an actual answer, rather than a page of links and options – the pay per click model could die alongside it. Bing might just become the world’s first Premium Search engine – a pay to play for a different kind of search.

The Code Red which was called in through halls of the GooglePlex hasn’t resulted in anything that seems like a worthy response to ChatGPT. After a failed demo last week of the Google AI chatbot Bard, it lost more than $100 billion in market cap. But I also wonder if the market senses that Google has far more to lose even if (and most likely when) it develops a competitive AI product. 58% percent of Alphabet’s revenue comes from search, which is driven by pay per click advertising, which simply can’t survive with generative AI – there are literally no clicks when you get a direct answer. Currently Microsoft only generates 5% of its revenue from Bing pay per click advertising. In real terms, it has a potential ten-fold search revenue upside, with near zero downside all the while potentially adding a new weapon to its already strong enterprise offers of Windows, Office and Azure. AI inside your own laptop, generating answers from your own personal data. That would be super powerful, personally and at an enterprise level.

Just when we thought we thought a one tech firm could never be usurped, a new technology comes along which potentially changes everything.

– – –

Keep Thinking,


Life Changing AI Tools

Technology doesn’t advance in straight lines. It’s choppy with flat periods of stasis, and massive vertical progress leaps. We’ve just had one such leap and it’s not too late to get ahead and benefit economically.

In the digital era we’ve had moments that changed everything. A few come to mind:

  • The PC & Laptop
  • The Web Browser
  • Social Media
  • The Smart Phone

It is that moment for AI.

The tools are now highly functional and available to everyone. Think back through your career and companies you’ve worked for. Did you or they, either got on board early? Or fall behind?

Don’t fall behind this time. When shifts like this occur, fortunes are both made and lost (you know the ones), and careers can be totally ruined or reinvented. We get to choose.

Your Company & How AI is about to change it: Get me in to share my mind blowing new Keynote Speech – get AI working for you!

One of the great things about the internet, is that you can only ever be 15 minutes behind. And when the next era arrives – like now with AI – you can get ahead despite what you didn’t do in the past.

So, to help you get ahead here is a list of AI tools you can use. Play around with them, get familiar and I’m sure your imagination will jump to possibility.

  • AI Creation Engine Chap GPTGet it to create almost anything for you.
  • AI Image GenerationDall-E-2, Mid Journey, Stable Diffussion
  • AI voice changer in real time – Celebrity voices, you name it –
  • Get an AI to write for you, in your styleJasper AI
  • Create a video of a talking avatar via text – Synthesia AI (talking Avatar)
  • AI Lawyer – World’s first Robot LawyerDo not pay.
  • Automate Social Media – Repurposeone post, many paltforms
  • Write Essays – Jenny AI
  • Transcribe meetings with notes & summaries – Fire Flies
  • AI Voice generator from text – even your voiceMurf
  • Write sales emails that convert – MailMentor
  • AI Assistant – Andi AI
  • Turn an idea into a Youtube VideoIn Video

The crazy thing is, this is just a small sample of what’s out there. I promise you there is a tool for you and your gig. The right tool will remove hours from your week and maybe put you on a new path.

The rest is up to you.

Keep thinking,


Robotic Love

Recently it was my daughter’s birthday. So I decided to write a poem about her as a gift.

Here it is:

Flora, a girl with a heart full of dreams. Turning thirteen, her future beams.

With a book in hand, she loves to read. Fantasy worlds, is where she likes to lead

Writing stories, her imagination flows. Creating characters, she knows and chose.

Drawing pictures, her talent is true. Artistic skills, she’ll always pursue.

Learning new things, her curious mind. Expanding her knowledge, she’s one of a kind.

With family by her side, laughter and cheer. Making memories, she holds dear

Playing piano, her fingers glide. Melodic notes, her heart resides.

Guitar sessions with dad, a special bond. Music brings them together, and beyond.

As she grows, her passions will bloom. A bright future, she’ll soon assume.

Happy 13th birthday Flora , keep shining bright – May your dreams take flight.

Of course, you already guessed that this was written by ChatGPT.

I’ll admit it isn’t the worlds greatest poem, I’ll call it serviceable, and better than I’d write. This is the prompt I gave ChatGPT to come up with it: “Make a poem, Make it rhyme. Let it be about a girl turning 13 whose name is Flora. Include the following topics; reading, writing, drawing, learning new things, hanging out with family, playing piano, having a guitar session with dad”.

So, I read this out to my daughter, who really likes it, and is quite emotional. She says; “It’s so beautiful! How long did it take? When did you write it?” I say; “Just now, took me about 30 seconds to generate using ChatGPT…”

Bonus: Free Interview of me talking about how ChatGPT works and if Skynet has arrived!

My daughter went from being moved to pretty disappointed. The poem hadn’t changed, just ‘where it came from’. She told me she liked it because I did it, not the words, and went on to say, it’s just not as good anymore. This is what we ought remember.

I knew this would happen, but I really wanted to see a real human reaction to Robot Love. (FYI – I wrote her something myself as well which I’ll keep private – I’m, not that evil).

I also told her why I did it and explained the new tech and pending impact of society. And she was totally cool with it and asked me to put the story in my new AI keynote, which I have.

Don’t get left behind: Get me in to deliver my mind blowing new Keynote Speech on How AI is about to change your industry.

Here’s the Business Insight: When it comes to creativity, the future won’t be about whether AI can do it (it will be able) – it will be about choosing if we want it done by an AI, or human. Increasingly, we’ll need to choose between efficiency or humanity. Your customer should guide you. Depending on the context, how something was made is as important as what was created.

Keep thinking,


Converting Bits to Atoms

We’ve entered the next phase of technology and it is this:

Turning Bits into Atoms

What? Let me explain. Bits describe digital things, and software, is made up of many bits. Atoms make up physical things which we can touch and feel.

For the first 25 years of the internet we did this: We took the physical, and made it digital. We took a newspaper and put it online. We took a CD and created MP3s. We took BlockBuster and invented Netflix. We literally turned Atoms, into Bits.

Now we start to go in the opposite direction as well. We will take information and create physical things. Artificial Intelligence is becoming so powerful, we can now build a physical world from mere information. We can brew meat, we can build a mind, and even humanoid robots.

Giddy Up: You need to see my mind blowing new Keynote Speech on How AI is about to change everything.

With my new StartupMacro3D I will be turning bits into atoms. (I practice what I preach). I will be printing houses. The image above is our first robot we’ve built – who we call ‘Arti‘. Arti will soon be printing low cost houses, and using materials (designed with AI) which are far better for the environment. Our goal is to assist with the housing crisis by providing financially and environmentally sustainable living. We are currently looking for investors for anyone who want to be help invent a better future. I firmly believe we we build a multi billion dollar company. Here’s what we can already do:

While much of the focus has been about AI (like ChatGPT) spitting out information, I’m more excited about AI helping us invent new energy systems, secure our food bowl and build our structures.

The future has already arrived, for those brave enough to embrace it.

Keep Thinking,
