Planning – Make it fun

No surprise that we do a better job at stuff we enjoy. So why not make planning your day,  week or goals a bit of fun? Given our plans are so important we’ve got to give them the attention they deserve. Make them worth revisiting, worth re-looking at, more visual. Here’s a sample of my daily plans from the past couple of weeks.


They’re certainly more interesting than looking at a typed up plan page or some corporate power point presentation. I actually enjoy scribbling my ideas. And I don’t get lost, as each day is simply a new page (not the mess you see above!)- which I try and do the night before to let it sink in.

When startup stuff is boring – make it fun.


Goals review

While driving the other day the person in the car with me said they we’re disappointed with themselves. Disappointed, in that they had only achieved 50% of the goals they set for the year.

I then asked what was achieved:

– They reflected on those goals that were nailed. All of them were pretty heady, big goals and great achievements.

I then asked if the ‘failed goals’ had at least some progress made:

– They said that some of the failures had made significant progress, though not fully nailed.

I then asked what percentage of goals were achieved by the 97% of people who don’t write them down:

– The penny dropped and the conversation didn’t go much further.

Turns out people with written goals are very far in front. Even achieving a small percentage of our set goals puts us so far ahead of the mob it’s a joke. And the joke is on them.

When it comes to goals it’s pretty simple. Set, review, rewrite, believe = achieve.


The 3 resources

The 3 resources which matter for start ups and any business are listed below:

  1. People
  2. Finance
  3. Technology

What do we need in each of these areas?

How do they interact in our area of business?

How will they change over time?

The questions about the 3 resources above should be in constant review. They remain in a constant state of flux.

If our current execution plan does not cover these areas and their interddence, then we’ve got a rocky road ahead – guaranteed.
