Quote – Larry Page

larry-page.pnglarry-page.pngLarry Page said:


There is a phrase I learned in College called ‘having a healthy disregard for the impossible’. That is a really good phrase. You should try and do things that most people would not.

larry-page.png          ….squint to see Larry….


Chances are we’ll still fail to do the impossible most times.

If we don’t try we are certain to fail every time.

Ideas are free

An excerpt from the blog of Seth Godin today. I had to post it:

“This isn’t about having a great idea (it almost never is). The great ideas are out there, for free, on your neighbourhood blog. Nope, this is about taking initiative and making things happen.”

Quote – Elon Musk

Elon Musk, the entrepreneur of the year according to Inc magazine, provides some sage advice:

“Great things will never happen with VC’s or professional managers. They have high drive, but they don’t have creativity or insight.”

Startup blog agrees.

Elon Musk was co-founder of Paypal and now heads up Tesla motors among other ventures.