Prosumer UNM2PNM

A certain chapter in ‘Join the conversation’ struck a chord.

Chapter 5 – The Rise of the Prosumer.

To me this is the most compelling change in the business environment. JJ contends that business was so decidedly one-sided; lop-sided in favour of the supplier; the manufacturer; the marketer – that they completely overlooked the producing element.

Well JJ and startupblog agree that things have changed. The business world is now moving quickly from ‘producing stuff’ – to ‘providing infrastructure’. Infrastructure is becoming so cheap – consumers simply make their own ‘stuff’. We’re starting to consume the factors of production, not the factors from production – Prosumers.

Smart start ups ought to be thinking about what infrastructure we can provide, rather than what goods we can produce.


Create a file in your email folder. Title it ‘encouragement’

For the occasions when you get inspired, thanked or congratulated. Keep it. File it. Refer to it.

Delete the insults.

Brick walls

We were told that our business was a great idea. A super concept.

So we went for it.

Then we started work on the blue prints, and they looked great. Everyone said it was a sure thing.


So we built it.


Then once it was built everyone was in awe of how we took it from concept to reality. They told us we we’re sitting on a gold mine of potential, they starting asking us what life would be like when we made millions, if we’d still be their friends!

So we marketed it.

Then all new and potential customers loved it and told us how they’d buy it and tell everyone. sell it for us and keep coming back for more.


Then we realized there was a lot of brick walls between enthusiasm and reality. A lot of brick walls between a great idea, and that great idea becoming a great business.

There was a lot of brick walls. Walls which were hard to climb. Walls that almost ‘consumed us’ to the point of forgetting the easy, early days of enthusiasm.


These walls are put here to test us. They are asking us if we really want it. They are in fact our best friend. They make climbing over hard, and keep the pretenders out. Those who don’t really want it (maybe competitors?)

We ought thank the walls.

Exercise your mind

Really fit people seem to be good at all sports. Really talented at all the physical things they try. They seem to eat what they like at restaurants and yet remain svelte. How?

Here’s the trick. They don’t just play tennis, swim or jog. They do it all and more. They participate in many and varied types of physical activity and sport. So they exercise their entire body. They develop new motor skills all while refining the base they already have. They stay fit and get fitter.

Our brains work the same way. It gets fitter, stronger and more flexible the more challenges we give it. To just read about business and entrepreneurship only builds certain parts of our mind. Occasionally we need to stretch it in other ways. Read something different, watch a nature documentary, undertake some craft activity, do some gardening, go bird watching. Anything.

When we do this the interconnecting synapses in our mind will develop. We’ll then better cross fertilize our ideas and experience. We’ll open up the space for new solutions….


So please click out of this blog, and do something you’ve never done. Your mind will thank you for it.

The experiment – Joseph Jaffe

JJ of Jaffe Juice is running an experiment to test the theory of his new book – Join the conversation. And it’s this:

Use new marketing to prove new marketing (or UNM2PNM for short)

The underlying thinking is that he use the approaches discussed in the book to promote it – hence providing a proof of concept.

So he’s given 150 books to bloggers and the like (me included) who’ll review it and ‘start the conversation’ – good bad or ugly. So when I get it, I’ll review it right here on start up blog.


It’ll be an interesting experiment to see how the book does in market.