Your school teacher was wrong

It’s not cheating, it’s collaborating

It’s Ok to draw outside the lines

Neat handwriting is not a pre-requisite

Touch typing is not a pre-requisite

You don’t have to all wear the same clothes

You can have a respectable job and wear jeans

Conforming does not necessarily lead to success

the ‘Soft’ – subjects are the most important

Talking is not evil, it’s the most important skill you ever learn at school

Having a contrary opinion is fine

You can have a future and be bad at maths

Being different is OK

Doodling on your paper is good for the mind

Daydreaming is fine

…add yours here….

School is vital to our learning. But just remember which bits to ignore.

Ideas are free

An excerpt from the blog of Seth Godin today. I had to post it:

“This isn’t about having a great idea (it almost never is). The great ideas are out there, for free, on your neighbourhood blog. Nope, this is about taking initiative and making things happen.”

Vicious circle

Do we…

Work in a job we don’t like

To buy things we don’t need

To impress people we don’t like



To be really happy we need to ensure one sub optimal arrangement doesn’t feed another. This holds true if we run our own business or hire our time out to a company (have a job).