More Badvertising from Cadbury

Here’s a list of reasons this is a terrible piece of advertising from Cadbury:

– It’s a short film for kids, not an advertisement

– It assumes that consumers remember their other pieces of recent advertiusing

– The idea is not integrated to the brand, rather it’s an adendum

– It’s very self indulgent

– It’s not compelling enough to make the effort to go to the website to see what happens next

*What Cadbury need to remember is that they sell chocolate, not make movies. They need to trigger the crave.


Startup blog says, we can’t forget why we are here. We don’t have to apologise that we are trying to sell our product by providing entertainment instead. Rather we should be proud of what we do and clearly communicate it.


One thought on “More Badvertising from Cadbury

  1. Truth be told, I can’t necessarily agree with you on this post (like I normally do).

    I think advertisements that are jam packed with “buy this” and “buy that” are pretty much tuned out by a lot of people.

    This actually made me chuckle and laugh, which for all intents and purposes can be redefined as “happiness”.

    Isn’t that what chocolate is for? To make you happy?

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