Startup blog rant

I’ve had enough of reading ‘expert commentary’ on the latest innovation from Company X on twitter and blogs by people who are meant to be in the start up scene.

Here’s some advice worth heeding:

‘Stop pontificating about other companies stuff and get out there and build some shit yourself’

I don’t give a fuck what Google, Microsoft, Twitter or (Insert name of edgy, successful fan boy company here) are doing. They ain’t gunna pay my bills, or yours and in fact you’re just promoting their stuff when you should be investing effort improving and promoting yours. Sure we can learn from them, but it seems all we hear about is what everyone else is doing. Fuck that. Do some shit yourself get out there and sell that fucker.

Enough said. Pens down. I’m off the improve and sell

(Sorry for the foul language – but it had to be used on this occasion)


7 thoughts on “Startup blog rant

  1. ummmahhh I’m telling your mum you swore on the internet!

    How boring would the world be without “experts” & trolls?

    Yes it can provoke, but is that such a bad thing?… got a constructive blog post out of it 🙂

  2. I just made a moderation for first time commenters due a spam problem. No moderation on this here blog!

    United States of Sammartino (love that by the way)

  3. my thoughts exactly [accept u said it first !]
    sometimes i want to punch people for their oh-so-knowing critique tweets on other peeps product offering …when they aren’t even attempting to have a crack themselves at doing something….anything.

    I you are more USSR [United State of Sammartino Ranting] –
    i expect that on your next Threadless T-shirt whiteperson !

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