When things are broken…

…fix them straight away.

Sure it will cost you more

Sure the budget doesn’t allow

Sure it was unexpected

Sure you can leave it for a while

But the reality is this – when we leave things broken, we leave a part of ourselves broken. it messes with the mind, and it effects our persona, our personal brand and our confidence levels. In short it messes with the mind. Show me a person with a banged up car or an unruly house and I’ll show you someone whose finances are not in order.

Don’t mistake what I am saying here. I’m not talking about wealth, I’m talking about attitude.

The attitude of people who fix stuff – is the same as the attitude of the people who usually find success. Success doesn’t tolerate letting things deteriorate – success always repairs anything which is broken. Success knows that it permeates the right culture and it makes us money in the long run.

2 thoughts on “When things are broken…

  1. Hello Steve. What an excellent observation!

    I especially liked: “But the reality is this – when we leave things broken, we leave a part of ourselves broken. it messes with the mind, and it effects our persona, our personal brand and our confidence levels.”

    As a virtual assistant, I work with many entrepreneurs who have already learned that lesson. But I’m sure there are also a whole lot more out there who haven’t yet.

    I hope you continue to offer your down-to-earth, common sense advice.

  2. Nice advice. Fits in well with John Kennedy’s “Favour action over all things” above. Not as good a name for a band as John Kennedy’s Love Gone Wrong though.

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