Why everything matters

Here’s a list of things which actually do matter:


Our diction and vernacular

Our personal presentation & dress code (Doesn’t mean a suit, but to wear what we wear well, have a sense of style)

The way we engage people and treat them

Our smile and attitude

How neat  and organized our workspace is

Being on time

Our posture

Knowing our next steps every day

Making sure our technology is in working order


All these things and others, matter all the time. Not just the day you have to do it right, have the big VC presentation or the day you’re meeting your biggest customer. 


And here’s why – they’ll become habit. Good habits. And when things are habit, they’re performed much the same way – time and time again.


If we do them well when it doesn’t matter, we’ll do them well when it does.

One thought on “Why everything matters

  1. I couldn’t agree more on that list Steve….must admit that I got some work to do on one or two items listed….. 🙁

    First Impressions, no matter how it can be wrong at times, are important!

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