10 years from now

You’ll look back in way in which you can’t grasp how much opportunity lay before you.

You’ll consider the freedom of choice you really had which made anything possible.

You’ll see your business ideas, predictions and philosophies transformed into an abundant economic reality.

10 years from now you’ll be able to look back on your choices today.

In 10 years….

…don’t be the shoulda, coulda, woulda guy*.





*guy means person at startupblog in a 2008 kind of way!

One thought on “10 years from now

  1. Hear, hear!

    Making choices and taking action is the key to success in 2008 (and every other year).

    Most people (As James Brausch would describe them- The 98% Losers), sit around and do nothing. There is no way to succeed without taking action!


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