Communication segmentation

I call my mum on the land line or visit her

I call my dad on his mobile / cell phone

I tweet my webby / nerdy friends

I talk face to face with my rentoid team and make sure we are in close physical proximity

I write my ideas on twitter and this blog to people who follow my thoughts

I see my brother every Friday morning for breakfast

I visit my niece and nephews and SMS them often

I skype with friends overseas and work colleagues

I email people in business and meet face to face often

The point is different people have different communication preferences. Right now we’ve never had more options on how to communicate. But the important thing is choosing the right tool for the right person. People who tell me they’ve been messaging me on facebook for months with no reply should realise I don’t go there any more. And we ought do the same and realise where our people want to be contacted.


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