Advertising & entrepreneurs

Advertising is the type of industry aspiring entrepreneurs should consider. I think it is the best training groun for anyone wanting to tread their own path in the future and here’s why.

Advertising is boom & bust: You learn that customers come and go, and that you’re only as good as your most recent in market execution. You don’t take revenue for granted, and learn to focus on achieving your customers objectives more than your own. Your own objectives are achieved by inference.

Advertising is multi industry: You’ll be working on consumer goods one minute, and selling finacne or cars the next. it teaches you the broad world view that entrepreneurs need. You become a business person, rather than an industry expert.

Advertising is short lead: Often the period between a brief to a pitch is a few weeks. It’s a short time to analyse a situation, make strategic decisions and deliver the plan. it requires speedy output and nimble thinking. Perfect training for entrepreneurs.

Advertising is the best pitch practice: It’s one of the few industries which is pitch driven. We pitch ideas to existing clients, new clients and within the organisation.

Advertising is a selling game: Selling your ideas is king, it’s how you win. As entrepreneurs we’ve got to be able to sell. The ad game is a great way to skill up on selling.

Advertising requires revenue invention: The only way to grow is to present proactive ideas which are so compelling he client can’t resist it, and knows it will benefit their business. We call it revenue invention. It’s what entreprenuers must also do to stay alive.

If you have startup aspirations, the ad game is a great place to build the skills needed.


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