Cast the media net wide

When aiming to generate media coverage for our startup or business. We often get one thing wrong. The thing we get wrong is related to our training as marketers.

We are too targeted. We are too fussy on who’s right for our product.

Answer – the right media vehcile is the media vehicle who’ll ‘cover it’.

In fact we need to do the reverse and cast the net wide. In fact cast the media net as wide as possible. What needs to be targeted is ‘the message’. The message needs to be written for the forum. But, in truth most of us have way more messages in our business than we have bothered to think about, or even invent.


The message or pitch is all about them, their readers and their viewers. The bait has got to be right as well. So before you pitch – work out how many angles you’ve got and you’ll be surprised what you can dig up. Especially for startups – who can exchange at a minimum, a few learning’s from the battle field, some business insights.

Here’s my example of Media angles for

Altruistic – Helping people

Business methods

Making Money from idle assets

Saving money – rent instead of buying stuff

Web news – first of its’ type

Startup stories

Technology used

Ecologically sound (no we don’t mean carbon offset)

Green message

Making the web physical connect – going beyond virtual

Helping the financially challenged

Temporary needs

Temporary residents

Reduce storage requirements / household clutter

Virtual organisations / outsourcing

Vicarious living (renting things you can’t afford) ….

There’s more, but you’re bored already. I’m just showing what’s possible. And if you have your doubts check out the rentoid media page here, of which not a cent has been paid for.

How many ‘media angles’ does your startup have?

Steve –

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