Anthill magazine

In the model of Fast Company and Inc magazine Australian Anthill is a magazine for entrerepneurs and fast growth companies. It can claim first to market in this geography.



The fact is Forbes, BRW, Fortune et al tend to focus on the top public companies. There’s some learnings, but it’s not all we need as entrepreneurs and stewards of fast growth companies.  If you’re reading this blog it’s fair to say Anthill is for you. Another good thing about this magazine is its willingness to provide some free content on line. With the advent of the internnet, publishing now has a sampling forum.


For those in Australia, the mag makes a good read for when your PC isn’t handy and provides the depth most blogs don’t. 


Be sure to check out yours truly in the startups section on page 78 or here.

5 thoughts on “Anthill magazine

  1. Nice pic, Steve 🙂

    The ideas stack up well.

    Hope you get feedback from the Anthill readers (and some customers for 1-bil).

  2. hola como estan soy de colombia y mi esposo es fanatico de ustedes se muere por conocerlos no nos perdemos ningun programa el le encantaria tener una moto de ustedes. la ciudad es barranquilla

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