Why profits are better than wages

profits vs wages

Profits are better than wages for two reasons. The first is, you can make money when you are not in the room. The second reason is a bit more curious:

You can sell a profit making ‘machine’, while you can never sell a wage. This means that every dollar you earn from profits has a natural multiple built into it. If you earn a dollar through profits you may be able to sell that dollar for 2, 3, 5 or more than 10 dollars.

In the end, it’s the simple difference between carrying buckets of water, or building a pipeline directly from the source.

You should totally read my book – The Great Fragmentation.



Domain name speculating

I recently got an email from a domain name provider called hostess.com.au. It was about selling domains names with some recent examples. The title of the email was ‘Your domain name could be worth big dolllars’.

Here’s a screen grab.

Picture 70

It’s easy to think that this type of behaviour is ‘unethical’. But the reality is we live in a capitalist society. Speed and noticing opportunities is a key business skill. So my view is if you’ve savvy enough to find and speculate on domain names and make some cash – good luck to you. There is no shortage of examples of people who’ve made a bundle doing it.

So how to do it? Well, here’s a couple tips on some people have done it:

  1. Spelling mistakes of popular domains. Then sell advertising or back to original (Tiwtter.com)
  2. Buying the .com of popular country specific domains. Eg www.theage.com – they sell advertising.
  3. Moving quick on new words, phrases entering the common vernacular. (eg tweet, roadrage, soccermom)
  4. New brand name launches
  5. register technology advances, and economic terminology. (GFC.com?)
  6. Short words of a made up nature. Popular for startups.

I’m sure you can think of some other ideas, or methods used in such speculating…. be sure to add them in the comments.

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