Quote – Ben Rowe

I asked marketing polymath Ben Rowe his thoughts on Facebook in 2008 and if it is going to grow or decline…


“Facebook is so 2007…. it’s just p2p spam. I reckon facebook is going to die a fairly fast death this year.”

Sure the jury is still out, but it wouldn’t be the first time Ben’s predicted the future of a brand or launch. It does seem that there was something very wrong when Zuckerberg referred to his ‘army of viral marketers’ he forgot one thing…. viral marketing is always done by people, not companies. Abuse them and lose them.

The gaping void view in December was this


I still think facebook is a great platform (especially the app’s component) which needs to take a few steps back before everyone disappears. It will be interesting to see how this one plays out.

Airport Spruikers

While in the airport I was accosted by airport spruikers from Citibank. They were selling an offer to switch credit cards. I’m sure it’s a good deal, and that’s why they’re there.


I’ve seen them many times now, though they never have any success while I’m there – No one seems to stop. It must be a very difficult job. I’m certain their success rate’s lower than direct mail (1-3%) as 300 people will often disembark from a plane with zero stoppage rate. In fact, people purposely avoid them. Given they are still working the airport floor, it must have a ‘certain level’ of success.


Here’s the problem according to startup blog. Given it’s so ‘targeted’ Citibank ignored the fact it’s really ‘annoying’. People in airports are either; in a hurry, working or on holiday. All of which aren’t good times to consider changes in financial institutions.


Today marketing and entrepreneurship is much more than being targeted, it’s about being considerate.