Ignore the insults

Entrepreneurs are frequently insulted by non believers in their concept, widget, service and company. Sometimes we’ll fail and others we’ll succeed.

Let’s not waste our time trying to figure out if it’ll be success or failure with any venture. Let’s just forge ahead until we find our financially.

Even our most revered entrepreneurs have experienced the same arrogance and rejection. Larry and Sergy we’re told by Alta Vista that search was ‘done’ and the future was just about e-commerce, email, gaming and content.

Yahoo and Lycos also rejected offers to license ‘Backrub’, the then name for the Google search engine.

Good thing the Google boys stuck to their guns, and ignored the insults.

One thought on “Ignore the insults

  1. Tis true Steve,

    It takes a GIGANTUAN amount of believe in oneself to stick to one’s gun and move ahead…….
    Lose that belief….there’s basically nothing much left…..

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